As the puck drops, push R upwards to perform a stick lift, and then quickly pull back on R for a straight win back.Set your grip (hold R to the left or right).
The most basic approach to winning a faceoff in NHL 23 is: It’s a bit more complicated with Hybrid and Skill Stick controls as you need to use both analogues to set your grip and then direct your attack in the duel. In the NHL 94 Controls, all you have to do is time the pressing of the X or A button with the puck drop to contend for a win in the faceoff circle.
When you get close, press L1 or LB before impact to power through them with a hip check. To perform a hip check in NHL 23 using the Skill Stick, you need to: The hip check is a favoured manoeuvre of defending players in NHL 23, with a well-timed hip check being devastating to a puck carrier. Skill Stick gives you the most control of the puck while also providing more skill-based moves. The Skill Stick controls of NHL 23 offer you the full scope of play, including more options as a skater and better control over the stick of each player. Through the use of the Hybrid controls, you’ll be able to perform the vast majority of the actions available in NHL 23 through a more familiar controller setup. NHL 23’s Hybrid controls suit those who have experience with EA Sports games, with many of the action buttons being assigned to the four symbol buttons on the right side of either console controller. NHL 94 controls cover all of the basics, allowing for you to quickly come to grips with the game and compete on the ice. The NHL 94 controls setting in NHL 23 is best suited to newcomers of the game franchise and those who don’t have a lot of experience with sports games. In this guide, the controls which involve the right or the left analogue on either the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S controller will be denoted as L and R, with the pressing of each analogue to activate its button being shown as 元 and R3. On this page, you can find all of the NHL 23 controls for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S, including deke controls, fight controls, faceoff controls, goalie controls, and skater controls. While the goalie, fighting, and faceoff controls remain mostly the same between all three – with the exception of faceoffs in NHL 94 controls – the skater controls vary a great deal. NHL 23 offers three sets of controls for you to use: NHL 94, Hybrid, and Skill Stick.