
Free downloads Total Registry
Free downloads Total Registry

free downloads Total Registry free downloads Total Registry

  • Comprehensive registry finder and editor.
  • A final nice touch is that should Registry Finder crash, the developer wants to know all about it, and also appreciates feedback of nay kind, but advises that you should only be using the latest version, which is fair enough, we think. You also need elevated privilege to run Registry Finder, and can't use it if User Account Control is on. The binaries contain both 32 and 64 bit versions so you don't need to choose one or the other. You don't have to install Registry Finder to use it, and can be ran from either USB or on the hard drive itself. Registry Finder also has a number of good command line parameters that can be used to customize behavior. Every change you make is recorded in a 'History Window,' which is easily accessible from the main menu, with the last action carried out marked with a small yellow arrow for ease of reference. Thankfully any operations undertaken within Registry Finder including deleted strings can be undone and redone. Importantly, the replacements are only performed in items within the Results window you are working from. The replace feature is also handy in that it makes replacing individual or multiple occurrences within a string easy to do. the ones with null characters in the name, which are not accessible with RegEdit. The software also supports searching for so called 'hidden registry keys' i.e.

    free downloads Total Registry

    It's also possible to jump straight to any found results in the Registry window and crucially, delete or edit them directly within the same window.

    free downloads Total Registry

    A handy icon also shows exactly where the match occurred. Searching the registry is quick and efficient, and all found items are displayed in separate windows in a list, with each line representing its own single match of the search criteria.

    Free downloads Total Registry